Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday Weigh in - Down 0.6lbs

Another small loss, but a loss nonetheless and I'm happy about that.  I'm hoping by week 16 to be 20lbs lighter. It's totally doable. It's only 3.6 pounds in three weeks that I would need to lose. I know I can do it and I'm actually excited about it. I can't wait to lose more weight!

What's going to help me kick this weight? Running that's what! As a result I've decided to sign up for another 5K. Woot Woot!!!!! I'll be running the "5K on the Runway" in support of Hearth Place Cancer Centre on October 24th. This is the Cancer centre that my Mother had (and continues) to find support at. They have wonderful programs for people with cancer along with cancer survivors like my Mom.

It's the first time the local airport has hosted such an event and it sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I missed running the 5K at Pearson Airport this summer (which would have been awesome) so I don't want to miss this one.  I will not get to see 747 airplanes taking off and landing (it's a smaller airport),  but it should still be cool. A colleague of mine said she would run it with me along with my running buddy who's doing the run on sunday with me so I'm looking forward to it. My Mother is also going to be doing the 1K walk.

Food wise it's been okay. I did have a treat night tonight though and ate a footlong veggie sub, with light mayo and cheese at Subway. I also had two cookies and a lemonade. I'm not too worried. I usually eat a little more than usual after WI and I'm fine on the scale next week.  One thing I'm not too happy about is my lack of veggies and fruits on the whole lately though. I've been a bit of a carb-o-holic simply because I had a grocery issue. In other words I had none.  To fix that problem I went  to the store and stocked up after my WW meeting and my stop at Subway. I now have bananas, apples, watermelon and cucumbers in my fridge along with peppers and onions and red potatoes etc..... I feel much better going forward. I do plan on making some new recipes that I found online, so stay tuned to learn how they turned out!


  1. Congrats on your WI!

    And the 5K!!! Are you fundraising for the run? I'd love to make a donation if you are.



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