Monday, March 22, 2010

Still Meatless

Well ladies and gents, I've been meatless for over a week! I am feeling so much better digestive wise *wink wink* and haven't been craving meat at all. Okay well, the bacon that my friend had on her burger did look tasty, but we all know how salty/fatty bacon can be. In other words....who needs it?! Plus, bacon comes from pigs, and I heart pigs and their cute little noses. 

Yesterday I went to Wimpy's Diner for lunch after going geocaching (yes, a tad geeky, but I love it.) with friends. I had THE BEST veggie burger I have ever had. Way better than Harvey's Burgers or Licks for that matter.  I had to ask the waitress twice if it was 'for sure' a veggie burger. I could have sworn it was beef. Sadly I don't know the nutritional info on it, but man oh man, it was so good.
Tonight I made veggie shepherd's pie adapted from Steff's Shepherd Pie from All
All I did was use Yves veggie ground round instead of beef (which was surprisingly tasty btw).  I also decided to added one clove of garlic to the veggie ground while it cooked on the stove. I also added corn to the recipe, and I used peas this time instead of beans (although I've used beans before and it is just as tasty!). I used low fat cheese of course and reduced sodium mushroom soup as well.  I have to say I loved it!  The veggie ground fooled me just like the veggie burger did. It tasted just like beef.  I swear! Now I just have to watch my serving sizes, because I want more and more and more! Sorry for the ugly picture...but it gives you an idea of the delicious dish.

Today was suppose to be my first running training day, but it's raining out and well...I'm motivated, but not that motivated at the moment. I am planning a walk/run date with one of my girlfriends on wednesday, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm also planning to get back to the pool for Aquafit on thursday morning this week. I've been away from it for too long and I know I'll feel much better after going. This week although I've felt better, I'm still tired all the time. After geocaching I came home and crashed. I know once I start exercising again I'll feel that much more energized. Here's hoping anyway! 

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Sounds like you are really embracing the veggie life!



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