Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday sickness

Hey all, 

This girl is still sick with a cold (pretty sure I coughed up a lung a second ago), but I'm trying my best to stay on track. Luckily or unluckily my appetite has not been that affected by my cold. My choices of food has though. All I want are comfort foods. The last two days it's been a challenge to eat my salad a day for my #100daysofsalad challenge. I chose coleslaw both days. In my mind that counts. 

I was so tempted to step on the scale this morning to see where I am at, but I resisted and will wait until Sunday when my official WI day is. I mean really, it is only two days away.  I am nervous about a gain. I have been in bed or on the couch most of the time doing absolutely nothing and  although I feel I've counted my intake to the best of my ability my choice of food hasn't been as good as previously. 

I can't stress out about it though. It will be what it will be. For now I need to focus on getting better. 

Enter neo citran!

 I've been drinking this stuff when sick since I was a kid. It always helps! 

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