Sunday, September 21, 2014

Weekly WW WEIGH-IN #6

I'm shocked. 

This dieting /weight loss thing really is crazy you know. How does a girl that eats a chocolate bar, Pad Thai and cookies this week lose weight? I know I counted them, but still. I was a total couch potato!!! All I have done in the last 5 days has been to move from bed to couch and then couch to bed. This cold has kicked my energy in the butt. The same can't be said for my appetite though so I am very surprised. This past week was really hard. Probably the hardest so far. At the start of the week I felt like I couldn't get satisfied. I was always hungry, and then came my desire for comfort food when I got sick. I really thought I would be lucky to lose 0.5lbs this week, but instead I lost..... 


That can not be real. I must have over counted those indulgences or something....

Still... I'll take it!....  Lol :) 

New weight: 233.5lbs

Weight loss since restarting weight watchers online:  13lbs!! 

Now my goal going forward is (yet again) to not step on the scale until next Sunday. It was hard this past week, but it sure paid off now didn't it? 

My second goal is to simply lose more weight. I need to keep off this great loss (no matter how I managed to pull it off) and continue to lose even more! It's not going to be easy, but nothing worth doing ever really is. 


  1. Congrats on your weight loss!! Hope you're feeling better :)

  2. Thank you! I'm finally starting to feel a bit better today :)

  3. That's fantastic! Good for you. I'm glad you're feeling better!

    Weight loss is think you're doing fine and nothing comes off, then all of a sudden your body does a "dump!" But like you said, we'll take it! :-)



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