Thursday, July 22, 2010

Down 3.0 lbs

Start weight - 247.4lbs - June 17, 2010

Current Weight - 233.2lbs
July 22, 2010

I'm down 14.2 lbs! Woohooo.... I reached my 5%. This watching what you eat/portion control thing really does work!  Who would have thunk?! Ten percent here I come! 

I lost another 3lbs at WI. Remember though, that's 3 pounds in 2 weeks folks. Remember I didn't go to WI last week b/c I felt I was off the wagon a bit. I'm really pleased with the three pound loss. I kind of see it as a 1.5lb loss for each week so maybe last week wasn't as bad as I thought! Here's to some great weeks ahead!
A little follow up to my car accident rant from my previous post.....After work I went to the Police Reporting Centre and reported the accident I was in last night. I then talked to my insurance company and filed both claims. After that I went directly to the dealership to hand in my car and got a rental. I ended up getting a red Sebring which I kind of like!  All this took me until about 1pm. I was exhausted when I got home as usually I head to bed at 8am! I got in bed, passed out and slept until 6:30pm.  At that time I had to get up to go to my WW meeting and to visit a friend. 

I am feeling way less stressed about everything now that I got it all sorted out  (as I expected). The anxiety is gone and I didn't eat any cookies or french fries or ice cream!  Oh yes...I rock. lol.... for today. ;-)


  1. wooooooooooohooooooooooooo thats awesome, great weigh in and heres to another excellent week! :o)

  2. Congrats Sonya!! :) You're well on your way girl!

    PS. Glad to hear you're getting stuff sorted out with your car.

  3. Yeah congrats on the loss. Glad you were able to get some sleep throughout the day. I think your week has been stressful enough, I foresee a relaxing weekend coming your way. You deserve it.

  4. YIPEE!!! CONGRATS! That's aweosme news!! Keep it up.

    Glad you have all the car issues sorted.

  5. YAYYYYYYYYY!!! WTG Sonya!!!



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