Thursday, June 17, 2010

A New Beginning....

One June 5th I weighed in at home at  240lbs.

One June 17th I weighed in at WW at 247.4lbs.

My scale and the WW scale are pretty much dead on.

yup... I know..... I was hoping there was a difference too!

I gained 7.4 lbs in 12 days!


Now I know this is somewhat false because I ate a crap load of food 1.5 hours before I weighed in tonight at the meeting (YAY, for going!).  This crap load of food made me extremely bloated and 'blocked up" if you know what I mean. For a vegetarian, I haven't been having many veggies lately and the cheese I eat is not good for my digestive system!!! I truly should go vegan, but I'm not ready.  Anyway,  I continued on my binge eating ways because a) I treated it like a last supper and didn't give a shit what I ate b) I think I was nervous/anxious about going and how do I cope...with food of course and c) the more fat I am this week from salt, gas, poop etc... that much more of a loss will show up next week. Oh yeah...I truly do think this way.

I am proud for going though. I truly am. I know it's going to be a brutal few days of withdrawal from the foods I have gotten in the habit of having the last little bit (mainly french fries from McD's) but I am going to suffer through.  Hello, they are french fries, not crack....I can do, at least I can still eat oven baked fries...Hey peeps, it's all about harm reduction, not just abstinence!

Anyway, of course I'll keep ya all in the loop and here's hoping for a killer loss next thursday!

Now just a few pictures to show you I truly did go. Proof is in the pictures as they say..okay so maybe the expression is the proof is in the pudding...but whatever........Here you go.

The pocket Guide - Let's hope the sticker is right!

My first WI - 247.4 lbs.  
For my 5% I need to lose 12lbs
for my 10% I need to lose 24 lbs  
I got all those stars for sharing the fact I ran a 5K last saturday!! ;-)

Two extra handouts I got - Yay, they had one for veggie heads like me! 

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