Monday, June 21, 2010

Food Good, Running not so much...

Well, I'm 240lbs with my clothes off! Woo-hoo!!!!! I yet again weighed myself this morning and I'm back down to 240lbs. Crazy. Now if I can only be 240lb with my clothes ON. Damn you weight watchers for not allowing us to strip at the meetings.

Yesterday I did nothing. Sad, but true. I just wanted and needed a day to relax and not worry about anything. I did a little bit of sweeping and laundry, but other than that I watched TV and read. couch potato. I do wish I had enough energy to run though. Why?... because then I wouldn't have to do it today! It's hot out there people, and I can't run at night because I work. Now I have to get out there at 3pm. Yup, that was poor planning. At 3pm it's still hot out! Hot = unhappy sweaty runner. I do have to get use to it though, as when I work nights, this is the time I will have to be running. It's either 3pm, or 8am when I get home from shift. I'm still not sure what's better. I'll have to maybe feel out both times and see. At 8am it would be cooler (maybe), but usually after working nights I'm kind of out of it and ready for bed. At 3pm though I'm in bed and  really don't want to get out!

I have to admit I'm worried about the run on July 3rd. Since the June 12, 2010 5K I did, I've only ran once! I know...where did my mojo go?  Not good. Mojo I need you right now! In all honesty,  I think I'm still afraid of the pain. The last few runs I've done have been pretty bad runs. Not enjoyable at all and lately I've felt like I've been going backwards rather than forwards.  I am trying to run faster, but it's kicking my ass. I've thought about doing some of the C25K weeks over again, as I increase my speed to see how that would go. I might try it today.  It's worth a shot. Anything to make running enjoyable again.

Other than that, food wise I'm doing okay. Today might be hard for me as I woke up at 10am and work nights tonight. LONG. ASS. DAY. Here's hoping I can nap for a bit before working 7pm-7am.  I've ate 6 points so far. I have 25 points left until tomorrow morning when I go to bed. I would have more if I had any extra weekly allowance points left, but I've already used those up at the weekend parties. :-( Wish me luck. I think I'll be chewing on several pieces of carrots and cucumber all night!


  1. You have to take time off occasionally, to regroup. Good for you for still getting out there when it's HOT and running. I wish I could say the same.

  2. Its SO hard to get runs in during the summer, especially when you have a tough schedule

  3. How tall are you? Are stats are soooo similar:) Well I'm still at around 245 but for fracks sake it keep fluctuating for some reason.

    I don't really run but I do walk a lot on the treadmill...Its just been too hot to walk outside and I really dont want to get up at 5am and walk either though its usually light enough here in Edmonton.

    I do need a coach potato day soon though:)


  4. Fiona - I"m 5'11 all my other stats can be found by clicking on the icon at the top of my blog.:-)

  5. LOL I totally missed your stats tab:p Your are 2 inches taller than me and Im scared to take my measurements I'm a tight 18 in bottoms..ok Old Navy bottoms which tend to run a bit large and a XXL in Old Navy tops right now though there are a few XL stuff of theirs i can wear too

    I guess I should take my measurements soon



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