Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Bucket List

bucket list.jpgI was blog surfing today. Yeah, I became a couch potato..not proud.....anyway...I was searching for some new blogs to read and I came cross this blog called Random Tash. It wasn't necessarily her blog entries that caught my attention right off the bat, but her Bucket List idea! Instantly I knew I wanted to create one and add it to my blog as well. What a great way to put all your goals for the future in one spot.  For a goal orientated gal, this is awesome!

I've always had goals. Graduate from University, move out on my own, get a full-time job, Go to Africa, Visit my friend in Australia, buy a house and more recently run a 5K. All my goals, I achieved because I stayed focused and did not stray off course. It truly is a reminder that if you set your mind to something, anything is possible.  So tonight I decided to add more items to my list of goals with hopes I can accomplish them in my life time.

Now if you want to check out my list you can find it by clicking above on the tab called "My Bucket List" - easy enough!

Thanks Tash for the great idea!

1 comment:

  1. for some reason I love when goals are not all healthy living related too.
    there is so so much more to life.
    WE NEEEED our health to git to the other goals---but IMO it should be all workoutdiet focused.
    Ive spent some time in Kenya and adored it.

    life changing.




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