Sunday, January 17, 2010

Still so so tired.....

Shift work sucks! Especially 12 hour shifts. I'm know I'm only 30, but my god I feel so much older. Why oh why did I pick the profession I'm right....because I love it.

Still pretty drained and feeling like I'm in need of a nap. Work was crazy yesterday, but I am proud of myself that I didn't head for the fridge to help cope with stress. I almost grabbed a Pizza on the way home, but didn't. Yay! That's huge for me. Instead I came home and made a small dinner there.

I'm going to try to hit the yoga studio tomorrow. A guy asked me out for tomorrow night, but when I said alright, he went funny...weird? Yes. What's that about? Perhaps my reaction to his invite wasn't excited enough. I'm sorry dude that I didn't say "oh my, what took you so long, I've been waiting for you to ask me for days." lol....I thought saying yes was enough. Live and Learn I guess ;-)

Anyway, enough about men, it's back to concentrating on Moi! I am who matters right now. Me, Myself and I and like I said, I'm going to try to hit the studio for some more yoga. I also need to get out for a few more walks this week. My exercising hasn't been the greatest lately and I need to rev it up!

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