Friday, January 15, 2010

Down - 3 lbs!

Previous Weight = 248.5 lbs
Current Weight = 245.5 lbs
Lost = 3 lbs

Finally I'm going in the right direction! I'm excited about my progress, but know I have a long way to go. 

I haven't been blogging lately b/c I've been so tired when I get home from work and busy on my days off. I promise to be better this week. I haven't worked out lately, but am hoping to soon.  I need to get back to that yoga studio!!! I loved that place. 

Anyway,  went to Costo last night and bought lots of yummy food so I'll have groceries for awhile. We all know how much I suck at getting them so I'm pleased with myself. I might need to hit the regular store for a bit more veggies and fruit, but for the most part I'm covered for awhile. 

My stomach is finally shrinking to a normal size. I've noticed I'm full faster lately which is fantastic. Before I could have ate all of China!!!! I"m sure I'll still have days where I feel like that, but I'm glad I don't feel starving all of the time now. That was brutal when I did for the first few days.

Anyway, I should get going to have yourselves a wonderful day. Yay to a three pound loss. I hope you were successful too this week! 



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