Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Balanced Life Yoga

I've been talking and talking about going to a yoga class for about 6 months now. Well ladies, I finally dragged my ass to the studio and went to a class tonight. Can I just say  - Loved it!

Why did it take me so long to get off the couch? I will definitely be going back. It was relaxing, yet we still did some awesome stretching of tight muscles and some strength training too . Awesome!!!!

I paid $20.00 so I could go to as many drop in classes as I can this week. It's a deal they have (and most studios have around here for first timers). I'm hoping to hit a couple more this week at least. I'm pretty excited about. Finally I have found a workout I love....although downward dog position I still loath!

Not much else going on here. My eating was good today, but I wasn't too proud of my portion size at lunch (although it did hold me for several hours). I'm just having an apple now and some yogourt and cottage cheese mixed together as a snack. Yummy! I'm hoping it's enough to hold me until morning.

Night Night folks. Write more tomorrow.

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