Sunday, December 21, 2014

Weekend WI

Not the greatest picture I know. Plus my tan is gone already *sigh* 

Start weight: 246.5lbs
Last weeks weight: 226lbs
Current weight: 226lbs
Loss this week: zero

No loss this week. I'm surprisingly ok with that. Although I say "I've got this" and "I can do it" clearly, I don't as much as I wish I did. I have great intentions, and then I see a Christmas cookie. Damn cookies, and candy canes, and chocolate!!! Getting back on track around the holidays is hard. So. Hard. This week is not going to be easier either. 

On a more positive note, I have counted everything going into my mouth today and I went and rode Joelle (which my legs are telling me was a great workout).


I also hope to get back to the gym this week. Hopefully if I do that, my weight will continue to remain the same over the holidays or (fingers crossed) I lose something. 


  1. Yay on no gains! Hope you have a wonderful week! Stay strong!

  2. No gains through the holiday is actually pretty damn good! Merry Christmas!

  3. You mustn't be so hard on yourself – it's fantastic you haven't gained! This time of year is such a pitfall that our fitness work challenge is just not to gain more than a pound over the holidays. Keep up what you're doing, and it WILL get easier after New Year's, I'm sure of it! The solstice is past and it's already getting lighter, slowly...think of next summer and your new bod!



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