Wednesday, December 03, 2014


On Monday Lucky and I arrived in Jamaica! We are here for sun and sand, but also to visit hubby's friends (Lucky lived in Jamaica for 10 years). So far we've traveled from the far north coast where our resort is to the far south coast. Today we head east! Lots of driving but it's great to see a lot of the country side. This is my first time here. 

Food and drink wise..... Well, to my surprise at the resort the vegetarian food has been fairly bland so far. My choices could be better as right now I'm going for taste rather than nutrition. I've also probably had one too many strawberry daiquiris already!  More salad and fruit are in order for sure. I will try harder. I don't want to gain too much and hate myself for it when I return home. 

For now I'll leave you with a picture. Until next time....Cheers! 


  1. Hope y'all have a blast. Stay Safe!

  2. AHHHH!!! I am SO going there one day, you're my inspiration!! Ill think of you when I am freezing my buns off outside haha!



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