Tuesday, November 04, 2014


I'm starting to realize something about aquafit. You really can't rely on the pool! 

Today I woke up early, took my hubby to work and headed to the gym to enjoy the class. When I arrived I found out the pool was closed. Chlorine issues this time. 


Staff told me I could go to another class instead at 9:30am, or just use the machines, but unfortunately I wasn't dressed for it. I was wearing my bathing suit, but also a sweater and moccasins. 

Last time, when at the recreation centre (before I joined GoodLife) someone was sick in the pool.  I could have gone to yoga instead that time, except I was wearing jeans. That wasn't really going to work, so I came home. 

I need to be better prepared!!! 

As this has happened twice now , my plan moving forward is to prepare for everything. Either wear gym clothes when I head to the gym (even if I'm just planning to use the pool)  and change into my bathing suit there, or wear my bathing suit there but keep  gym clothes in my bag just in case. I'll probably do the ladder. 

Such a simple thing, but it will make a world of difference. 

For today, since aquafit didn't work out I'm going to head back to the gym for Zumba Step  followed by regular zumba tonight. I'm kinda curious if zumba step will be like other step classes I've taken in   the past or not. I guess I'll find out soon!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh that's some terrible pool luck! Hope you have a fantastic week!



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