Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Kiwi, Strawberries, Broccoli - oh my!

First off, I just want to say thank you. Thank you  to those of you who commented on my last post. Please know I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to send words of encouragement and support (along with awesome suggestions) to keep me moving forward on this journey. It means more to me than you'll ever know. Knowing people are out there that care is a wonderful feeling. Also knowing others are going through similar struggles (and successes) is comforting. Thank you.

Today has been better. I feel more in control. I'm feeling determined. Motivated. Focused. I'm not saying the cravings aren't there to eat a big bowl of Mac & Cheese or an entire pizza, but I'm fighting them. I will not give in. 

On Monday I started my night shifts. I'm a shift worker that switches between 12 hour day shifts and 12 hour night shifts every two weeks. It sounds awful, (and perhaps it is), but I've been doing it for over ten years and it's what I'm use to. After sleeping most of the day I woke at 5:00pm and had breakfast which actually was dinner -- vegetarian BBQ Casserole.  I had double portions as well as a bagel. All within my daily point limit but a little high in points for one meal. As a result I decided I needed to stock up on fruit and veggies to snack on while at work. I bought these....
Kiwi, strawberries, broccoli - oh my!
All that food my friends counts as ZERO points. How awesome is that?! As you can see I've already ate the pomegranates and as I type this I'm snacking on the fruit and a few carrots. I feel satisfied. Only six more hours of  my night shift to go. I got this. 


  1. I used to work many 12 hr night shifts and during the night I would eat way too much. Seemed like everyone working come packed with tons of junk to share as well and then the 50% off we'd get at the hospital cafe made it even worse! That's a great idea for your zero points snacking, I make containers with 85gr each carrots, celery and radishes and eat them whenever I feel hungry. My fridge is FULL of them lol It has helped! Good job and good luck! You got this!

  2. I would never be able to adapt to changing shifts ... I'm a creature of habit I guess. Don't you just love Zero Points!!!

  3. oh MAN! I could never do 12 hours shifts, that's crazy! It would be really really hard to eat well when you work so long, and tired. You're amazing! Glad you've found awesome snacks!

  4. What a lovely colorful lunch! You're doing so well. :-) Something that helps me is planning out my food for the day...when I leave less to chance, I'm less likely to stray. Sometimes I do it several days in advance; even up to a week, but that's harder.



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