Monday, July 28, 2014


I'm feeling tired.

I should be over the jet-lag by now (and I think I was just starting to) but then night shift happened. No matter how much sleep I seem to get during the day, I'm still so sluggish right now.

The good news is though, I'm eating far better these days, rather than just carbing it up like I use to, so I think it's helping. It has to be, right? 

My salad challenge hasn't really been much of a challenge at all lately. Mind you, I know I'm only on day 3. Each salad as been delicious, but I have a bit of a confession.  I haven't made any of them. Thank you, salad in a bag!  I blame my sluggishness and night shift for not making them myself, but I know it's a bit of an excuse.  But hey... they taste good and are convenient and hopefully I don't find out they are being recalled..... lol.... I promise I will not rely on salads in a bag in the future, although I'm not going to promise I wont eat them either.  Don't worry,  I have 97 more days to be able to balance out both. It's all good.  On top of eating a salad of day, of course I'm also trying to eat healthier overall. I'm not counting calories just yet (although I know that's coming), but I am making much better choices. I'm eating way more fruit and veggies than I use to. I love summer for the variety of fresh fruit you can find. Cherries, watermelon, raspberries, oh my! So tasty.

For those of you joining me on my #100daysofsalad challenge. You're awesome. For those of you who aren't, you're still awesome, but not as awesome as those who are... Kidding... Maybe. ;) 

Salad Day 2
Salad Day 3 

I'm feeling proud of myself for actually doing what I told myself I would do. I told myself after my vacation I would begin to get serious about eating more healthy and I have. Once again, I'm only on day three and I know it's going to be a struggle at times going forward (especially when it comes to exercise), but as I have said many times before, I have too many reasons not to get healthy and lose weight this time. Some of those reasons you can read (if you haven't already) about by clicking the link above.


  1. I'm back! I tried to get my shit together last week and it didn't work so well, but I'm back at this week. Let's do this sweets! I've been out on the trails a few times, and I'm going to back the gym today for the first time in a month... wish me luck!



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