Sunday, July 27, 2014

Salad Anyone?

Well, hello there! As promised this girl is back! I had an amazing vacation and because of that it's been pretty hard to get back into the swing of things since being home. My first day back to work was yesterday and despite thinking I would feel refreshed and ready to save lives, I did not.  I felt like I wanted or needed another vacation! It was not the greatest first day back, but I digress.

On vacation I saw many amazing things and ate a lot of food. My anxieties about eating vegetarian meals were diminished fairly quickly when I realized it wasn't going to be as much of an issue as I envisioned. Now I feel silly for even worrying to begin with. I did not watch what I ate while away. I didn't promise I would. I ate waffles in Belgium, croissants in France, and any other tasty food I wanted in Holland and England when I was there. I indulged and it was fantastic. Seriously peeps, vacations are a time to relax and enjoy, not worry about calorie counting. That is  for the days in between holidays.

Nonetheless, to off balance the food I was eating, luckily the tour involved A LOT of walking and once the tour was finished we continued to walk multiple kilometers on our own. We walked and walked and walked. I even climbed the Eiffel Tower in Paris which was awesome. No elevator for this girl! As a result, when I weighed myself this morning I wasn't too upset by my weight gain.

I gained 1.5lbs.

Not too shabby. I think I'm okay with that.

New weight = 246lbs. That I'm not okay with.

Now sadly, I do think some of that gained weight might have even been gained since I've returned. I've been back since Tuesday and I know since then I have been far less active than when on holiday and well...... I ate an entire medium pizza..... with dipping sauce.

As of yesterday though I'm not focusing on pizza, but rather on salads. I didn't mention it before my vacation,  but before going away I was floating around with the  idea of doing a 100 day challenge. I've seen friends do 100 day challenges in the past via social media, and I thought why not? I can do one too, so  I decided to do a  #100daysofsalad challenge. I'd like to say that I'm a girl who eats salads everyday. Some might already assume that I do as I'm vegetarian, but if you were to, you'd be wrong. I like salads, I have nothing against them, but find myself not eating them nearly enough.     I might not even eat a salad once a week! I mean really, who wants to eat a salad when you can eat a carb?!

Hence my reason for picking salads as my challenge. I need more greens baby.

My goal for the challenge is to eat at least one salad a day for 100 consecutive days and document for proof and accountability. I'll be using this blog and another social media account to do so.  Easy peasy! Anyone want to join me? Do you have a challenge you've set for yourself?

I've had two salads so far, but here is Salad #1. A little too shiny with salad dressing I think.  I'll work on that.


  1. Yay for a great vacation...and you are doing what needs to be done to fix the 1.5 pound gain! (which is not that bad!)

  2. Hello! Saw your blog in the Fit Frontier list and thought I would stop by! This is a good time of year for a salad challenge - lots of fresh ingredients available. I like salads a lot, but often in winter I find it's hard to find good salad veggies. Good luck with your challenge!

  3. I told myself last week I wasn't getting enough salads in my GoodEatsPlan and was still mulling it over (well, ok, maybe resisting) and then you pop up with a 100 day challenge???!!!?? LOL! Not fair, reading my mind!! :) I've learned two things are must have's in my GEP.... protein shakes and salads. So I'm joining you in the challenge. 100 Days of Salads :) ^5's



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