Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hope Rising

It's been a long time and as always when I'm away from blogging I'm usually sitting in front of the TV eating. Well....not entirely, but you get what I mean.

The last few months have been challenging. Details I will not share online, but the good news is that somehow out of disappointment and despair has come hope. A hope that the feelings I have been experiencing lately will pass and that I once again can start to focus on myself rather than others.

Today was the first time in a long time I felt motivated to watch what I eat and to exercise again. For awhile now I just haven't cared, and because of that my weight has only gone up! I have officially gained all my weight back plus 5 pounds. ugh.....

Oh well..... as my father says, it is what it is. Today is a new day. Although  I didn't count points today,  I know I was 'good'. I even went out for a run. Something I haven't done consistently if at all in eight months!

I do have this goal now that is in the back of my head that I'm hoping I can keep there.

60 in 6

Sixty pounds in six months.

I know that is a lot of weight and something I  will not attain....but that is okay. Really 60 in 6 is just a way of saying to myself -- Sonya... kick some ass and lose as much weight as you can in the next six months. Stay focused and anything is possible.

I also have a goal to run the CIBC 'Run for the Cure' again in October. I missed running the PRIDE run because I stopped running am I'm  out of shape. I'll be damned if I  miss doing the cancer run too!

So here's to moving forward and leaving the past behind me. It's time I start feeling proud of myself again. It's time I start to feel confident again and happy.  Are you with me people? I hope so!


  1. So glad you`re back Sonya! :)

  2. Glad to see you back and ready to fight for your health. 60 pounds in 6 months is a pretty lofty goal. I'm a very slow loser so I try not to set myself up for disappointment. Maybe you could just focus on making progress, no matter how long it takes. I have faith you can do it. I'm with you for the long haul. Good luck!

    Happy Canada Day!

  3. @MB - Don't worry, I have no doubt I will not reach my 'goal' and I will not be disappointed. LIke I said, it's just a way of me saying my goal is to lose more than I think I can! With that being said I guess I could have said 600 in 6! ;-)



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