Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'll get back there....

I love this picture. It's from back in 2008 at my nephew's first birthday. I was around 210lbs. Look how happy I am! There are not many photos these days where I can look at them and think I look pretty. Sad but true. This picture though I think I am. ;-)
I'll get back there. I swear! 


  1. Hi! I'm a new reader... I just started my own weight loss journey. I can so relate to looking back at old pictures thinking I looked happy, healthy. But at the time I STILL felt fat. Funny how we see ourselves, huh? All that matters is you are on your way :)

  2. Hello old friend, you will get back there again!

  3. I have those pictures too. I went to Vegas with hubby and I was 205lb. I looked so happy...I want to get back there too. We can do it!!



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