Thursday, December 02, 2010

Advice from my Doc

I went to my family MD today.

Apparently I need to collect some guns so I can shoot the moose or  I need to sell the car better!

This all in relation to learning the tools of dating.

He makes me laugh.

A lot!

He's right though. I'm out of practice and have no clue how to navigate the dating world or sell myself.

The good news is I am feeling more positive these days and more like my old self.  I haven't felt this great in years.  I'm slowly beginning to like myself again. So progress has been made to some degree.

On the food front, I wish I could tell you guys that I got right back on the wagon after my last post, but I did not. It's taken me longer than I thought post sickness. With the new WW program launching though, I promise to get back at it and make my goal of 27 pounds come Dec 31st.

I did realize that my math was off in my post titled 27.  Apparently I can't do simple math when sick.

If I lose 27 pounds by Dec 31, and if I lose another 27 pounds by my 32nd birthday on the 27th of June, I will have lost a total of 54 pounds.

I will not be at goal.

I'm okay with that though.

I'll still be 54 pounds lighter!!!!!

Add another 23.4 pounds to that number and I'll have lost 77.4 pounds.

Goal weight 170!

I knew 7 was a lucky number, but this is getting ridiculous!

I can do it. After all my doctor also said, you don't want to be at the pearly gates and regret not going after things you wanted.

I want this weight gone so I have to go after that new figure I want and keep focused.

I can and I will. I will not let you down.

I will not let myself down.


  1. It takes more time than we think, to recover from being ill. Your head is in the right place, so you'll get there. Hmmmmm, I might join you in trying for those 5 lbs this month. That seems doable, but just hard enough to keep me in line during the holidays.

    You can do it, and you will!

  2. Ugh Dating is so hard for me! I just started a new relationship (after not being in one for several years!!) and it's not easy. But I'm lucky and found someone so understanding, so it's easier to tell him my fears and anxieties. He totally tries to help me through it. Love that. It's still not easy and I'm not entirely comfortable with myself yet.

    Good luck! Trying to figure out what guns, moose, and cars have to do with dating though! Maybe when I figure that out, my dating life will be easier too! lol

    Hope you feel better!

  3. I am also struggling with the dating scene. It was so much easier to just stay under that rock I have been under for so many years.... lol, ummmm but definitely not as fun under the rock.

    We seem to be on a bit of the same journey. I'm gunning for 170 as well. We WILL get there.

  4. I didn't get the moose/car references either...maybe you need to take up hunting or a greater interest in cars to attract a guy?

    I have lost my mojo...must find it soon--heading to Hawaii (swimsuits are worn there, I've heard) should be reason enough to stop eating the chips!

    Glad you're feeling better!

    H =)



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