Saturday, October 09, 2010

Busy in the Kitchen!

First off, Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all my Canadian readers!!!!  My family dinner has actually been planned for October 16th (next weekend), so tonight I made this instead......

I stole two recipes from the blog Weight Watcher Wannabe tonight.

I made Healthier Eggplant Parmesan and Weight Watcher Fudge!

I didn't have enough sauce to cover the 2nd layer, but it
matter in the end anyway
The Parmesan took awhile to make. Mostly because you have to lay every slice of eggplant on a rack and put kosher salt on them to get the 'bitterness' out for 30 minutes. After that you then have to bake each of the slices (after you dip them in egg and cover with breadcrumbs) for 7 minutes on each side. Then when you put it all together with the marinara sauce and cheese, you have to cook it again for around 35 minutes! -- freak'in long ass time in the kitchen!  I really was crossing my fingers the whole time hoping this was all worth it. I was starving and if this dish didn't turn out I just wasted a lot of time.  Well folks....I'm happy to say, it was worth it! It's a very good meal!

Didn't have quite enough for 24! 
As for the WW Fudge. I followed what WW Wannabe said, except I couldn't find fat free condensed milk at my grocery store so I bought low fat instead.  I also didn't know how many servings to make it (she doesn't say), so I poured the fudge into my 'mini' muffin tray that I just bought and it came out to 22 servings for 4 points (or so my WW recipe builder tells me).  It's kind of high (I like to keep my treats to 2-3 points), but whatever, it's fudge.

The jury is still out on this one though. I don't know if it's because my portions are a bit more than what they are suppose to be or not, but these suckers are RICH!!!!! I honestly feel like I'm biting into one huge chocolate chip. I love sweet stuff, but this might be even too much for me! I guess this is a good thing though. There is no way I could have more than one at a time, if my life depended on it!


  1. Hey thanks for giving my recipe for the eggplant a try.

    It is kinda a pain in the butt to make but it's sooo good.

    The fudge is pretty rich your right. I wish it was a tad more sweeter.. LOL That with a cup of tea.. Yum...

    I just cut up the fudge into little pieces , my little guy spilled a drink all over my WW mag and I couldnt see the serving part..

  2. the eggplant really is good. I really am glad I took the time to make it. Thanks for posting it on your blog!

    I'll have to try a cup of tea with my fudge. That sounds sooooo good!



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