Sunday, July 25, 2010

A run and yoga - say what?

Blogging truly does keep me accountable. I said I was going to run today on a previous post and because I said that (and I didn't want to let you down, or myself down), I did it!

I'm pleased to report that after seeing the movie Inception, I came home and ran as I planned at around 9pm. What a difference from my last run. It felt fantastic. It's 22C outside, but actually feels that way too! No humidity tonight and because of that, I did not feel like I was going to die this time. Thank you Jesus!  I felt great actually and my pace is improving. I can feel it! I'm so pleased. I'm less discouraged, and I'm motivated to push forward. I will be a runner gosh darn it. One way or another, I will be.

After my run, I came home and knew I had to do some yoga. Over on Lynn's blog The Next Chapter she has decided to host a challenge and I signed up for it.  The Challenge? Seven days of full on yoga. Wooohoooo!!!! Are we on the same page or what?!  Just a few days ago I was telling my coworkers and best friend that I need to get back into practicing yoga. I fell in love with it back in January and then a few months later stopped. I have no idea why really, but I did....ugh....story of my life.

 I went to the website that Lynn recommended and did my first free (key word - free!!!!) 20min yoga session. The session I did is called Yoga for Weight loss. Kind of a no brainer to pick that one, don't you think? It was a great 20 minute session. I uploaded it on my little laptop. Put my laptop in between my cat's beds on the bench at the end of my bed and did the session in my bedroom. I have yet to get a yoga mat, but really I didn't need one.  My carpet was fine.  Some poses were hard for me. I'm out of practice, out of shape and had never done some of the poses before.  I managed though and now feel stronger and more relaxed all at the same time!  

One tip though...... 

If you are doing yoga at home and you have might want to lock them out of the room when you practice. Emily my eldest kitty thought it would be a great idea to purrrr like a crazy cat and lick me while I was doing my breathing exercises at the start of the session! Cute? Absolutely, but she didn't really help me get into the zone if you know what I mean! 


  1. Seven days of yoga? That's an awesome challenge!

  2. What an adorable cat! :) AND I had to click on your blog, because I think that your profile picture is too cute for words! :)

    I am going to have to try Lynn's sessions...this is the second blog today that has talked about it and my interest is definitely picqued!

  3. I have everything I need to start doing yoga but I keep putting it off. I think I may try it tomorrow..

    And LOL@cats at cats and yoga. I have a feeling my kitty will be like that too:)



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