Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Food, Fitness and Fun - oh my!

 Good Afternoon Everyone!

This morning I've been trying to catch up on everyones blogs as I was so tired last night after working. I just didn't feel like entering blogger land. Sorry dudes, but my bed was literally calling my name.

This morning I got up early and headed to the stable to visit the horses and volunteer. I can't believe I've been volunteering there for over a year now. I'm so thankful that they have allowed me too. It's such a change from my day job, and actually kind of therapeutic. Animals have that affect I suppose. I hope one day I could afford my own horse, but until then, just spending time with them puts a smile on my face. Don't worry, that photo is from back in the winter. We don't have snow here anymore! - thank goodness. Bring on Spring!

This afternoon, I have a bunch of running around to do. Oil change, buying cat food etc...etc.... I'm planning on hitting the grocery store as well.  I found a few recipes on my favourite recipe website so I'm going to try out a few.  I'm not sure which one I'll make first, but I'll be sure to let you know when I have,  so stay tuned.

I'm still thinking of ways to watch my calories a bit more closely.  A colleague of mine mentioned the website lifestrong so I'm going to check that out along with myfitnesspal. The fact they are both FREE is very appealing, so if I can save a few bucks, why not try before going back to WW again.

I also haven't forgotten about the fact I need to start doing my strength training. EA Sport Active for the Wii is the easiest solution I've come up with. The thought of doing it though....ugh....I mean when I'm doing it I'm fine (minus the whole lunges and butt crunches), but just the thought makes me want to hide under my covers in bed. Not sure why, it just does. I know I need to do those lunges and butt crunches though so I better get at it!


  1. It doesn't matter what program you follow as long as it works for you and is a HEALTHY one!!! I've used myfitnesspal it's pretty easy. I've also used fitday....myfitnesspal has the best food tracker, fitday has the best tools to help you calculate how much you need to lose and if your goals are realistic. Good luck!

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing what recipes you're trying out. ;)

    I think it's great that you're going to start tracking, it will help you stay accountable and drop the pounds - even if its annoying.



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