Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Orgasmic Pad Thai!

Over three weeks vegetarian, week two of the C25K done, and I've been coffee and pop free for six days. Not too shabby, I'd say!

Tonight I did my final run of week two. I felt fantastic during the run. I had so much energy and my brisk walk between runs was actually brisk tonight! I love running. I love it because you get to see pretty instant results. Each run I feel stronger and more capable. It's an awesome feeling.

As I posted earlier I went to the grocery store and got a crap load of food, to make a bunch of recipes in the next few days.  I was going to make this one, but was hungry when I got home and just wanted something fast. I decided to copy Lynn from Life, Health & Fitness (yet again) and make her pad thai stirfry she had a little bit ago. I added in some rice noodles though and oh my was orgasmic!  I'm so proud I even took pictures to share.   :-)

Messy Rice Noodles

After President's Choice Pad Thai Sauce was added - YUM!

Messy Counter top and after the veggies were added. Broccoli, snow peas, red onion and bean sprouts (I'm not a huge fan of cooked carrots so omitted them).

The finished product! YUMMY!!!!!! Do you see what else is on my plate though? Oh that's right, I braved the brussel sprouts. I did just as Lynn stated in her post.  I'm happy to report,  my first time eating these little suckers wasn't too shabby! That awful brussel sprout smell didn't even fill my house!!!! The yummy glaze made sure of that.  I can't stand that horrid smell. It's basically why I stayed away from them for 30 years, but now I don't have to. Thanks Lynn! This meal was delicious! 

When I was out I also picked up some shelving for my spice cabinet. I forgot to take a 'before' picture, but let me assure you, it was a bloody mess. Doesn't it look pretty now? Okay well, minus the mess of spice bags on the right. I'm please with the results. So. Much. Better.

Last but not least, I wanted to send out another warm fuzzy to Lynn as today I got my free coupon (which I won from her site) for one free POM Wonderful Juice. When I went out grocery shopping I picked up the Pomegranate blueberry juice. YUM! So tasty.  The cashier was even jealous that I got it for free. When she asked where I got the coupon I responded  'a friend' and smiled. Thanks again Lynn and thanks for your sweet little card too!


  1. The pad thai looks positively yummy!

  2. Way to go on the running! You rock!

    Dinner looked scrumptious!

  3. Oh and definitely try a POM Spritizer, so good!!

  4. Glad you enjoyed the Veggie Pad Thai, it's pretty good isn't it? I noticed on one of your later posts that you mentioned that the noodles were 180 cals for 1/3 cup... I'm pretty sure my package says 180 cals or 1/3 of the package.



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