Sunday, March 28, 2010

Two More Recipes to Share plan to sleep didn't work. I woke up at 10am despite staying up later than normal last night. As a result, I'm heading into work tired and with a headache. Oh joy, Oh fun...but I'll survive I suppose.

Despite my heavy head, I made my way to the grocery store this afternoon to pick up some ingredients for a new Easy Salsa Meatloaf Veggie Ground Round Loaf I planned to make and take to work with me. Once again I found the recipe on and just substituted the meat for a vegetarian alternative. This loaf I didn't enjoy as much as my lentil loaf (as I think I added too much extra salsa), but it was okay and hit the spot.  Definitely easy to make! As you can see I added a little extra ketchup to the top!

I also made my favourite mac and cheese casserole  that I also found on the same website last summer. Oh it's to die for. It's NOT diet friendly at all,  but I wanted to use up the cheese I had in my fridge before it expired. Plus my best friend loves this dish so I made it anyway. I did use all low fat cheeses to make it a bit better so at least that's a good thing. The key to eating this dish right now is PORTION CONTROL!!!!!  Tonight for the first time ever I didn't have a heaping dish of it (or two or three). I just had a small amount as a side with my veggie loaf and spinach. Go Sonya Go!!!! lol.... I must say my tummy is thanking me as (still to this day) I never know how it's going to handle cheese.

I thought I'd share some pictures as I'm trying to get better at that.. I did  forget to take a picture of the spinach though. Oops!

Until next time enjoy....


  1. Oh wow that mac n cheese looks delish! That's my fav comfort food, I've tried to modify it too, without losing the creamy cheesy deliciousness. ;)

    I love seeing the food pics, keep em coming!!

  2. Hey! Saw your comment after mine on Model to Waddle. I am starting couch 2 5k too! Just did first run, need to get second under my belt. My friend wants me to do a TEN K in July!!! AHHH! I may die...

    Great job on the 20 lb loss so far! If you check out my blog, you will see that 260 was my highest weight at 5'10, so pretty similar to you! I am hovering around the 160 mark now- though closer to 165 today!

    Good luck, and I look forward to reading more.



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