Saturday, May 09, 2015

Weekend Update

Since it's been awhile,  I thought I would give you all an update on my life since my last post.

First off the WI.

Not the greatest scale photo - sorry

Start weight (April 17th) - 245.0lbs
Current weight - 241.5lbs
Total lost - 3.5lbs

It's slow going folks, but at least I'm losing, right? 

I'm still not 100% invested, so I'd say this is a good start considering I haven't been trying as hard as I have in the past. I actually cancelled my WW account two days ago, as I have wasted so much money each month, saying I was going to start the program again and then not. Instead I signed up for "myfitness pal" which is free. I still haven't been tracking that well though. 

The good news is I did lose weight and have made some lifestyle changes that do seem to help me feel fuller during the day. I also feel they have made me healthier so I'm pleased with that. 

Recently,  hubby and I started "trying" (yay!!!) so I did what a lot of woman do and I bought some books! 

Reference Books!

I didn't plan to buy the fertility diet book (I was more interested in buying a vegetarian pregnancy book), but when I saw it I thought why not? Since buying it I have read about half of it so far. In all honestly, as I've been dieting off and on for years, most of the info isn't a surprise, but rather a reminder. Since reading some chapters, I have tried to focus on eating more whole grains, nuts and now I'm drinking protein shakes daily. I have done this in the past, but I'm trying harder to be more consistent as I definitely wasn't before now. So far I feel all interventions are helping. I'm feeling great, and really folks, that's what matters most! 

I have tried a few protein powders in the past, but this one is by far the best. No chalky taste, no nasty medicine tasting after taste. It's just great (and no they didn't pay me to say that!) It was recommended by the sales guy at GNC, and I'm so thankful. They have two flavours. Chocolate and vanilla. I bought vanilla so I can mix it with frozen fruit. YUM! 

So I guess that's it for now. Exercise is still lacking in my life, but FINALLY we're getting nice weather in Ontario, so that might begin to change. It's amazing how ones mood and motivation changes with a little sunshine!

Until next time guys, stay healthy! 


  1. Glad youre posting and finding your way back to whatever you want your plan to be. Sending you good baby vibes!



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