Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday WI

Not the clearest picture -- sorry. 

Sundays have always been my official weigh-in day. I'm now thinking of changing that, but since I didn't take a picture on Friday when I 'officially' got back on the wagon, I decided to WI again today. To my surprise (but extreme hope) I was down!!

Start weight (April 17th) - 245lbs
Current weight - 243lbs
Total lost - 2lbs 

I'm not going to lie, it's been a challenge to get back on track. Yesterday, despite eating all my WW points and even some of my extra weekly points, I felt starving all day. This was even after consuming a protein bar, and two protein shakes, along with lots of veggies and fruit, yogurt etc..... It was rough. Today, I'm a tad better, but as I type this my tummy is rumbling again. I'm not sure if it's just the usual brutal first few days of dieting, or my added hunger is a side affect of my medication. . Ugh... either way, I'm determined to push through. I just hope it gets easier.

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