Thursday, April 09, 2015


It's been awhile, I know. Sorry about that. I haven't wrote because diet still hasn't been that wonderful.

The good news is I'm starting to find my motivation again. I'm in that good old contemplative stage of change making my way towards determination and action (hopefully sooner than later). Recently I went back to the Doctors and changed medication which means I no longer feel like eating all the contents in my fridge in one sitting ;) -- thank god. As a result,  I'm feeling more ready than before to tackle my weight issues again.

I have yet to weigh myself, but I know I'm more than likely back to square one. Yes, I'm disappointed in myself for gaining the weight back, yet at the same time, I'm really not. I got help for a problem I was having and despite the weight gain recently, I do feel better overall.

Hubby and I still want to start trying for a family soon, so I've started taking prenatal vitamins, folic acid etc.... to prepare. Moving forward, I'm going to work on eating healthier and try my best to lose weight before getting pregnant. The minute I am though, of course I will stop restricting and focus on continuing to eat healthy for two! In the past I had hoped to be below 200lbs before I got pregnant ( and that could still be possible depending on how long it takes), but as I write this, I would be fine if I made it back down to the weight I was before going to Jamaica in December (223.5lbs). I felt good then. My hips and back were doing much better. I had more energy, and I looked better. So for now my goal will be to just get back down to where I was. That's it.

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you back. I'm just 'returning' myself!!



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