Saturday, November 22, 2014

Weekend WI

Start weight: 246.5lbs
Loss this week: -2.0lbs
New weight: 225.5lbs
Total lost: 21lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did it folks! I finally hit the 20 pound mark on my 15th week of weight watchers! Halliluya!!!!

Thank you all once again for the advice On my last post. Since then I've tried to incorporate all your tips and it seems to be helping. I've gone back to trying to eat more salads with good sources of protein such a cheese and nuts etc. After some reflecting I realized my hungry increased after I finishing my #100daysofsalad challenge when I stopped eating them as often. 

On Friday I had the intention of starting my "fight the lazy" friday posts. Sadly the day got away from me and I couldn't post. Stay tuned for next friday!! 



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