Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 1 , Attempt number 495 291 098

Today I feel this new found sense of control. I'm finally ready to care again and lose some weight that I've gained this year. Lets face it, 2011 has not been a good one for me. It's been rough and although there is drama in my life still (that I'd wish would go away), I'm ready to yell ENOUGH when it comes to how I've been handling it. Ultimately, I'm only hurting myself with my bad coping skills of filling my face with junk!

Since I stopped running and eating healthy this year, I've been feeling VERY sluggish. It's really bad. I'm 32 years old, and some days I feel like I'm 80. I know some of this has to do with my mood and diagnosis of depression and feeling low and wanting to hide my head in the sand (r/t drama and stress), but I'm not helping matters by picking the wrong foods to help fuel my body.  I haven't exactly been putting in premium gas after all, and because of that, my mood has suffered.

So as one crazy fitness gal once said, I need to "stop the insanity" and take control of my life again.
Right now (as I said yesterday),  I plan to just write down the food I've ate. I'm measuring some foods and not for others. I will get better as time goes on, but trust me, even this change right now of measuring some foods is HUGE for me.  You may feel I'm eating too much when you read my menu and perhaps I will be for a little bit, but once again, as I go forward I hoping that will change too.

I will update this section as the day goes on, so here goes.....

  • 2 eggs over hard with S&P
  • 2 pc. wonder bread (invisible whole grain) with peanut butter and banana

  • Spaghetti (whole grain pasta, veggie ground round, and pasta sauce)
  • 2 pc. bread (same as above) with margarine
  • banana
  • 6 crackers with pieces of cheese
  • several glasses of water!
  • green beans with margarine and S&P
  • I wrote one of my girlfriends setting a plan to start swimming twice a week starting in November.
  • walked around the block = 30 minutes


  1. This is the first day to you feeling like yourself again! <3

  2. Good for you for getting back into it! It can be hard, getting to a place where that mindset sticks - this is something I struggle with, too. I've also had depression, on and off, my entire adult life (we are currently in "on" mode), which can make it doubly hard to keep your motivation up. I think you are doing the right thing, though - small steps are the best way to go about it. I don't think a massive overhaul is always sustainable :)



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