Saturday, July 09, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love

Today was a great day. It started out with a 45min massage, followed by a great walk with friends and ended with a free yoga class down at the waterfront.

It was wonderful.

Yesterday was pretty awesome too. I had a lunch date with a friend and swam in her parent's backyard pool. And I do mean swim. I did the egg beater, front crawl etc, etc........ it was great despite developing a sunburn (which made for an interesting massage this morning!).

Going forward, my friend and I are going to try doing lane swimming together. I'm a bit nervous about it (as I'm pretty slow), but I do enjoy swimming, so I thought why not give it a try? -- again. I also am going to try to get out and walk more with my other friends..... so who knows, I might not need that gym membership after all. At least not until snow hits the ground again.

On the whole my mood has been good. I'm attempting to 'free my mind' and negative thoughts and deflect any negative energy or worries. It's not easy at times, but for the most part I'm doing pretty good. I'm still disappointed in outcomes of certain things, but I must remember that God has plans for me. I wish he would tell me what the heck those plans were already, but I guess I'll just continue doing what I'm doing and hopefully one day I'll know.

Right now I'm trying to find balance in my life. I'm trying to remain centred, happy, proud and most importantly at peace.

I'm eating (healthy mind you)

I'm praying

and I'm loving...

Okay well...two out of three ain't bad. Mind you I may not have romance love in my life right now *sigh*, but I sure do have friendship love, family love and even fur baby love!  That's pretty damn good I'd say.

I must say I do love the memoir Eat, Pray, Love and just bought the movie (I read the book years ago, but I'll probably read it again very soon). I was excited when I recently found out though there was a follow up to her Eat, Pray, Love.  It's called Committed.  Although I think I probably will find that I connect more to the old 'I'm a mess, I need to find myself' Liz rather than the new 'in a relationship' Liz,  I do hope I find it just as wonderful and can learn more lessons from her going forward.

Anyway, have a good weekend everyone! I'll have more to share on my return!

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