Sunday, March 20, 2011

Baby Steps

I'm currently working the graveyard shift. I usually get up at 4:30pm get washed and dressed, watch a bit of TV and head to work at about 6:15pm. Not last night though!

Yesterday I woke up at 3:15pm, did an hour workout using my two new wii videos/games which I mentioned in my previous post and then continued on with my regular routine. Woohooo!!!!! Finally my mojo is coming back!

I do like the games I bought, especially 'Just Dance 2'. That one I just felt like I was having fun in my living room dancing rather than actually working out. Of course this makes me more willing to give it a shot again! ;-) I ended up dancing to 6 songs (their turbo preprogramed workout), before switching to 'The biggest Loser Challenge" Wii game. It was also good, but can not be fooled as anything but a workout game. I felt the burn and did the workout for another 30 minutes. By the end I was glad it was over. Next time I might reverse the order, do the harder workout first, then end with dancing!
Food wise. I'm still not tracking, but I have made a promise to myself to eat a salad a day. Right now I'm just buying Dole ready made salad's from the grocery store. Hopefully in the future I can learn to be a bit more creative!
Anyway, that's where I'm at. Onward and upward, keeping my eye on the prize.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're back in action! I have the Just Dance 2 as well and LOVE IT! There's nothing like a good sweat when you were just having fun. Who knew it was a workout! One day at a time, huh?



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