Monday, September 13, 2010

Hooray for Tape Measures!

(Sorry about the font size at the start of this post, I've tried to fix it, but Blogger is giving me issues). 

It's almost 11am and I'm awake. This is not a good thing when you have to work nights tonight. Here's hoping I can nap this afternoon. If not, I'm in for a LONG night. Not only will staying awake be more difficult, but also eating will be. Points sure do disappear quickly when you're awake for so long.

My first meal for today I haven't ate yet. I'm not super duper hungry so I'm waiting until I am. Of course I plan to eat before I'm famished. That would lead to disaster!!!   I think I'll make myself another vegetarian style 'bacon' and cheese McMuffin. They are so freak'n yummy! I just found out Yves brand has 'meatless canadian bacon' as well for only 80cals. I just might have to pick some of that up next time I'm at the grocery store. Here's hoping they have it! Until then I plan to continue to use the strips. 

Instead of running down the stairs to the kitchen first thing this morning,  I stayed in my room and decided to measure myself. Who knew a measuring tape could make a girl so happy!  

Start Measurements (taken June 20, 2010)

Bust - 45"
Chest - 43"
Waist - 46"
Hips - 48.5"
Thigh - 25"
Calves - 17"
Upper Arm - 15"
Forearm - 12"

Measurements on September 13, 2010

Bust - 43.5" = lost 1.5"
Chest (just below the breast) - 40" = lost 3"??
Chest  (above the breast) - 43" = lost 0"
Waist - 43.5" =  lost 2.5"
Hips - 45.5" = lost 3"
Thigh - 23.5" = lost 1.5"
Calves - 16.5"= lost 0.5"
Upper Arm - 13.5" = lost 1.5"
Forearm - 10.5" = lost 1.5"
Neck (*new*) - 16"
Combined inches lost (off my entire body) = 15" ???

I can't remember how I measured my chest (above or below the breast) so I did both this time. Regardless, I lost a lot of inches which is awesome to see. I lost 3" off my hips! YAHOO!!!!!! This is the first time in my dieting history, that I have ever measured myself with hopes to see a difference. I'm so glad I did this time. 

I also took a sneak peek at the scale this morning, and although I was in my PJs (which I dare not wear to my meeting), it looks like I'm on target and will hopefully see another loss at the scale if I stay on target. I'm eager to get out of the 230s. I doubt it will happen this time around in all honesty, but hopefully by the end of the month I'll say good-bye to those numbers for good! 

My run last night was a good one.  I did feel a bit dizzy in the end. No more headache though! 


  1. Whoo hoo! Measurements are such a great way to track your progress, especially when the scale might not be showing you the love.

    Shift work is tough, isn't it? Do you work 8 or 12 hour shifts?

    Thankfully I've only had to work 12 hour shifts once in my life. All I did was work, eat and sleep. That is not the way I want to live!

    H =)

  2. Thanks H-Woman!!! I actually work more 12hr shifts than I do 8hrs. They can be tough, but I do like them...or rather the extra days off I get because I work them ;-)

  3. Hey Conny, the last time I measured myself was back in June, so that is probably why I'm seeing a bigger difference than if I measured every 30 days. I think the next time I'll measure will be in December. Every three months sounds good to me!



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