Monday, September 13, 2010

Cooking in the Kitchen

I haven't slept yet, but I'm doing okay. The key is to just keep moving!  This afternoon I ended up making Pumpkin Spice Scones that were featured on Lynn's Blog The Next Chapter and (like I said I was going to) I made Mama Mia Vegetable Pie. It ended up taking me longer to make these recipes, hence the no sleep thing *sigh*, but it was worth it!

The first batch of pumpkin spice scones I made I forgot to add the almond breeze. Oops! They didn't turn out too bad though. The second batch I ran out of wheat flour so they were a bit more wet than I'm assuming they should be, but they also turned out okay too. Oh yeah, just call me Master Chef!  I have enough spice scones to last me until next year now! I'm thinking of freezing some.

Luckily I made the veggie pie without any mishaps. It was super easy to make, tastes great, and is low in points. What more could a girl ask for? It's definitely something I'll be making again. Servings = 6 pie shape slices.

Veggies, Sauce and Tofu

Whole Wheat Pasta in a Pie Dish!

Pasta, Veggie Mixture topped with Cheese! (pre-oven!)

Now does that look like a WW dish? I don't think so, but it is!!!!! 

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