Saturday, April 17, 2010

Howdy Folks!

It's been a busy few days here so I didn't get a chance to write yesterday (or catch up on all of you!). I just wanted to let you know I'm still going strong on the c25k and the Wii EA Sport Active 30 day Challenge!

I ran my first run of week four yesterday and ran for a total of 16 minutes!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!  I've come to really realize this running/exercise thing is all a huge mind game. I just kept repeating, "if a 375lb man can do this, so can I" to myself and it worked. I made it through. YAY!!!!!  Now am I looking forward to my next run? Not particularly (hey, I'm just being honest here), but I am determined more than ever now that I have my running date to kick a little ass, so here's to many great runs ahead!

This morning I watched a bit too much tv (multiple episodes of United States of Tara via castTV) and then got off my duff and went and did my 4th session of the 30 day challenge. Today was a bit tough. First because it's been 3 days since I've done it, and secondly because today was a lot of lower leg stuff. Lunges, squats, jumping lunges, more squats, all the good stuff. I know my duff will thank me, but I'm beat...and I still have it set to easy! lol... god help me when I get to level medium!

Food wise, I haven't been a really good girl. I had ice cream, french fries and a boston cream donut. ugh...but if it's any consolation, I did realize that the fries were nasty and the boston cream donut felt as if it was full of chemicals. Wish I could say that stopped me from eating them, but sadly not.  Some day my friends, some day!

Anyway, this weekend the plan is to get some groceries so I'll have no excuse to go and make bad choices again.  I found a great veg. recipe site recently that gives the calorie content so I might see if I can make something from there. That way I can track it properly when I eat it unlike the other meals I've made lately.

Anyway, that's it for now folks. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Chow for now!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely adore United States of Tara, such an awesome show isn't it?! :)

    Hope you're having a fantastic weekend too!



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