Saturday, February 13, 2010

Made it through!

Yesterday I celebrated my sister's 34th birthday with my family. It was the dreaded KFC dinner. How did I do, you ask? Not too shabby I'd say. On my way to my sister's I went out and bought a sub so I could eat it, instead when my family was enjoying their meal.  I did have a couple bites of popcorn chicken, but hey, that's better than having that, plus three pieces of normal chicken, fries, gravy, and macaroni salad!   I didn't have any birthday cake for dessert either. Luckily it was black forest cake (which I hate), so I wasn't tempted at all! Score!!!

After dinner we watched the Olympic Opening Ceremonies which I loved. It's too bad they had the technical glitch, but what can you do? I was proud of all the work they put into it. Proud to be Canadian. I loved Shane Koyczan's Poem and the killer whales, and the Redwoods and the Rockies....Okay, well.....I loved it all.  While watching the ceremony, I did have some potato chips, but most were low fat. I didn't count them per say...but here's hoping I'll be okay. I do have a week to burn them off!

This morning I got up and went to my second aquafit class. At first I wasn't too sure about this class as we had a different instructor, but then it got better.  Once again I had a great workout. I just wish it was longer!!! The classes are only 45 minutes long.

Tomorrow I am working so will not be able to go to any exercise class which sucks (wait...did I just say that?).  Monday is also Family Day here in Canada Ontario (just found out it's an Ontario thing...silly me didn't realize), so the classes will not be going on then either. I guess I'll have to hit up Wii Active again or go for a walk.  Oh joy oh fun! I must say Yoga and Aquafit are so much more appealing now....but I'll do what I got to do!


  1. Sounds like you ROCKED it Sonya!! You made a great choice to bring healthier food so that you could still sit and enjoy the celebrations with everyone.

    PS. I wish Family Day was a Canadian Holiday... it's not a holiday here in NS tomorrow. :( Lucky duck!!!

  2. Good job, Sonya! I find it hard to stay on track when I'm in a group setting - you did great!
    I hope you enjoyed your Family day - I love that concept!



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