Saturday, February 06, 2010

Cross Country Skiing!!!!!

What a difference a day makes! I felt great this morning when I woke up and was ready for a day of fun. This winter I really wanted to go cross country skiing. It was something that I had done a couple times when I was in high school (way back in grade 9), and I always remembered how fun it was. When trying to think of things that I could do to get moving this winter, cross country skiing was one of the activities that first came to mind.

Thankfully I have a few friends that were interested when I asked them so one of them and I finally managed to get out on the trails today! I was so excited. We headed to a ski resort at 10:30am and after renting the equipment we were out on the trails at 11:15.

Today was a gorgeous day to be outside. The sun was shinning and it was only -8C (18F for my American friends). I managed to find a  new winter sports jacket yesterday (for cheap!) when shopping with my best friend so I wore that and some new snow pants. The coat was super warm. All I had to wear underneath was one light long sleeve shirt and under the snow pants I just wore some tights. I wasn't cold at all.

We of course tried the beginner trail and it took us an hour to complete( it was a pretty long trail). It wasn't too bad though and I only fell twice! lol.... Then we decided that we would do the express trail because we weren't really tired yet and wanted more of a workout and were having fun! The express trail was a little more challenging for me. More hills to go up and more to go down (only fell once though on that trail!).  My heart rate went up for sure and my breathing was more rapid let me tell ya!

The express trial took us 45min to complete and at the end  we were both tired and ready to leave. It was a great workout and lots of fun for sure.  I came  home covered in sweat so had a long shower, inhaled lunch and now I'm just relaxing on the couch checking some blogs. Tonight I have a housewarming party to go to. It should be a great time as well. I'm looking forward to it.

I only ended up taking three pictures while out on the trial. Here is one of me on my skies just after finishing the first beginner trail. Don't I look all professional? lol...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's great! Cross Country skiing is a terrific workout!!
    I love how you said it was ONLY 18 degrees out! That freakin' cold, woman!!!



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