Sunday, October 05, 2014

Weekly WW WI #8

Weight 233.0lbs

Weight loss this week: 1lb

Total lost since restarting weight watchers online: 13.5lbs

This journey is SO. DARN. SLOW!!! 

I know they say healthy weight loss is an average of 1-2lbs a week, but I can not lie, I was really hoping for more than I got this week. I thought I might since I gained 0.5lbs last week. I also moved my butt more than I have in the past. No such luck. 

Damn you scale!!! 

Oh well, enough negativity. I need to focus my attention on the positive. Negativity will get me no where.  I lost one pound this week! That's great! I'm still heading in the right direction and that's all that really matters. This journey I'm on is not a race, even if sometimes I wish it was. The weight is coming off and I'm thankful for that. 

This weeks exercise goals: at least 30 min of exercise each day. ie. Walk/horse back riding/?bike/?yoga/?swim/?zumba


  1. I understand that feeling of it's too slow but it is going the right way! You are doing great, keep it up!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It does feel very slow, but like I said it's not a race. It look some time to put on this weight. I have to remind myself it will take some time to take it off.

  2. Go grab a pound of butter. That's this week. Then stack up 13. That's everything you've lost. Sometimes the numbers don't *seem* like enough so you need a visual.

    Good job! Are you tracking your measurements so that the scale isn't the only measure of your success? How are your clothes fitting?

    1. Good advice! Next time I'm there I'll have a look to see how far I've come. This time I didn't do any measurements when I started. Maybe I should have. My belly looks better in clothes days so I'm happy though :)

  3. The number on the scale is just a number; It doesn't define how you did during the week. Keep going!

    I'm adding you to my blogroll, I hope you will consider adding me to yours.

    1. Thanks for the post and the add. I'll do the same soon.

  4. Wooo hooo!!!! YOU LOST A POUND!!!!! Let's dance!!!! NO 'only a pound' about it. You said goodbye to a pound!!!!

    1. Thank you so much! True true... A pound is great!

  5. I know it's so frustrating when the scale barely moves, but it is moving! and in the right direction! :)

    1. I can tend to be half glass empty sometimes and I'm trying to work on that. You are right, it's moving in the right direction and that's all that matters!!



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