Sunday, September 05, 2010

When I fall, I sure make a bang!

I've been away. I've been away and haven't been good at all. Being away is NOT good for me. After the whole car thing, I found it really hard to get back on track. I really struggled, I didn't read any blogs, I didn't update mine, I skipped a WW meeting,  and this led me to  crash and burn!

I've gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks.  SEVEN FREAK'IN POUNDS PEOPLE!!!!!


That is the bad news.

The good news is that I am on day three of counting my points. I even made two recipes yesterday out of my Good Housekeeping Family Vegetarian Cook Book (which I would share, but don't want to be sued for copyright infringement).  I feel like finally I'm back on track. I'm not giving up, and still have goals I want to reach. No matter how many times I fall off this damn wobbly wagon, I will get back on it each time, so help me god!

I think this fall is going to be a good one. The weather is cooler which means I will be able to run when I want to, and my work schedule is changing to a much more desirable one at the beginning of October.  I'm very pleased about this. Two of my friends are also starting to come to my WW meeting with me on thursdays. I think the added support can only be beneficial.

So here's to losing those seven damn pounds as fast as I can along with about 60 more! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how but I've gained 7 pounds in a weekend but it usually comes off pretty quick if I get back on the wagon. Keep fighting the good fight, we'll get there. Rock on!



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