Saturday, July 03, 2010

Pride and Remembrance

Well folks, I did it.  I took part in the Pride and Remembrance 5K race today in Toronto as part of Pride week.  I'm happy I finished it, as a few days ago I was thinking of skipping it. My day was already booked off work however, (I was suppose to work today) and I really wanted to run it to remember my clients who have passed so I did it!

I have been slacking with my runs lately related to my overnight schedule and a huge fear of the humidity and the heat outside (I don't own a gym membership). As a result I was slow, really slow and walked a few parts. I was yet again one of the last ones to finish. I HATE THAT!!!!! I hate being the fat girl at the end of the line.

Annnyyyyway, as my bff said...'Sonya don't worry about that, you're still doing it and that's what matters' and that is true. I could have skipped the race and slept in, but I didn't. I got out there and did some exercise and did a little remembering as I ran/walked my way around the course.

After the run, I surprisingly got a tad emotional (thank god for sunglasses!).  So I decided to walk to the AIDS Memorial where many of my client's names are listed. Sadly the closer I got to it, I realized the memorial was blocked off. I get it...they want to protect it, but man I wish it wasn't.

Here are a few photos of my morning. Can  you guess where I hid my camera when I wasn't taking pictures? lol.... Sports bras are a wonderful thing I tell ya!

30 minutes until race time! 

Proof I was there! lol
I had to get those shorts yesterday as I found out my black stretch pants are see through! Oops!
I look a tad geeky, but whatever....

AIDS Memorial

You haven't had the full Pride Experience if you don't get a picture with a Drag Queen

I'm really glad I did the run and I did have fun which was the main thing. There were so many people there which was a huge difference to the first 5K I did in Ajax. It makes it way better! 

After the run, I had some free water and headed home. Now I'm off to get my hair cut!


  1. Good job! I'm glad you made it out to the race! And hey you said you were one of the last ones. I didn't read that you were the last one. So that's a victory to me. My goal is always just don't finish last. And you did that! Good job! :-)

  2. I wish I had run into you!!
    The two guys in your first pic are pace leaders in my run clinic.
    Do you know them too or did they just happen by ;)???

    Congrats on another run - it was hella hot and hard, so just finishing is quite a feat.

    You should have grabbed a dufflet pastry too!

  3. Hi Sonya
    Your an inspiration to this girl with more to love!

  4. Woo-hoo!! Congrats on making yourself go and for finishing it. Don't even focus on where you ranked..give yourself kudos for being there! I have yet to do any kind of walk/run for any benefits, but I do plan to in the near future!



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