Thursday, May 06, 2010

5K to 10K?

So I know I haven't even graduated from the couch to 5K program, nor have I ran my first race, but I'm looking ahead anyway!

I know what works for me. I finally realized setting goals keeps me focused, motivated and determined. I'm not talking about goals like working out three times a week (although that might work for you), but I'm talking about actually setting a goal where I'm committed to something( aka - a race). I also know that following a training program has helped me. The fact I can now run for 25 minutes knowing that I found 90 seconds hard during the second week of training only 6 weeks ago is encouraging. It makes me think, if I've come this far in that short amount of time, where could the next 6 weeks take me? The possibilities are endless. I love that each week I continue to increase my running time. I know that once I've 'graduated' from the c25k program I'm going to miss the weekly advances. I fear I'll get bored running 30min 3x/week so I decided to think ahead a little.

Today I decided to search online for podcasts that I can use after I've completed the c25k podcasts I've been using to help me train.  With a little digging I found one! It's a 10 week program (c25k is a 9 week program) to help me train for a 10K race! How cool would that be to go from couch potato to 10k racer in 6 months! The podcast I found can be found here  if you are interested. You can also find them on itunes for free. Just search for 'Freeway to 10K' under podcasts at the itunes store. For myself I find podcasts training programs so much more helpful than just reading a website and attempting to time myself with a stop watch.

2249916701_114c3e1cec.jpgIn food news, I made Kale Chips for the first time tonight! It was my first attempt at eating kale actually - ever. I had no idea what it was going to taste like or whether I was going to like it, but I've heard about the benefits to eating this wonderful green for awhile now and I thought I'd give it a shot. Like I've said in previous posts. I'm attempting to venture out of my comfort zone of peas, green beans and corn now that's I've converted to vegetarianism.

I used a bit of EVOO and salt on the kale and mixed it together and then put it on a cookie sheet. I then put it into the oven at 350 degrees until they looked crispy - 10 min maybe?  The end result was delicious. A bit salty (my fault - I had no idea how much to put so over did it a bit), but otherwise a very tasty healthy alternative to the potato chip!

I think next time I'll try adding some parmesan cheese into the mix. I just read a blog that added a little and that sounds tasty too!

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