Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Neck, or lack there of...


How long is it going to take for me to get my neck back? I mean granted this is an absolute horrible picture of me, but look at that double chin. Dear god people! Where is my neck?
...and this one? Same thing? Sure the kid is cute, but once again there is no neck! Side profile - Not so sexy people!

So how many pounds will it take so I'm like this photo without the camera shooting down from above?
20 more? 40 more? 60 more?

I like this girl. This is the girl I'm fighting for. The girl with only one chin and this is why I will not give up. I will not let crap moods ruin my hard work going forward. I can not gain more weight. I will fight to the death to lose this weight and lose it once and for all!!!! Why? Because I want to like every picture that is taken of me not just stupid photos shot from above!

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